Our Saturday was going along just fine. A trip to the Communication Museum, some general putzing around and I even got a nap in. at 3:30 things got a bit exciting.
Izzi and Xavier went outside to play, Kim and I hung out inside. After about 20 minutes we here the boy crying and Izzi screaming for us. When we get outside, we find Xavier in a heap beneath the tree he likes to climb. Blood on his lip, a cut on his chin and very hard crying. Xavier has a high tolerance for pain, Kim and I both knew something was bad. After spending some time he explains his left arm really hurts.
We get him inside, lay him on the couch and start cleaning the blood off his face. His left arm around the elbow is swelling bigger and bigger. We decide to go to the kinderspital.
Xavier and I hop in a taxi and head over. Get in quickly and then wait for Xrays. He fractured his humorous. They didn't put it in a cast, but he needs to keep it in a sling for 3 weeks. he goes back on Tuesday so they can adjust the sling, his elbow was too swollen to get teh right position. He is doing pretty good, but it was a fairly stressful Saturday afternoon.