Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Mountain Picnic

Our friends Werner and Dominique love to treat us, as if we remain their personal guests in Switzerland. This Sunday, they took us to the mountains for a picnic. Another lovely day with good food and friends.

Kids entering 5km path to picnic site along river

Werner manning the fire

Izzi and Todd by the river

Waterplay for Xavier and Matilda

Chow time (Dominique, Oliver, Sofie, Jeannine)

Saying Goodbye to Friends

We spent Saturday with our friends Fiona, Duncan and Mia. They are leaving Switzerland after a 4-year stint and moving to England. We had a lovely lunch, then icecream and coffee, all mixed with some strolling and browsing. It was a gorgeous summer day in beautiful Bern.

Xavier and Mia checking out the good at the Barenplatz market

Iz buying bangles

Kids chasing giant bubbles

Posing with red cow

Alphorns taking a break

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Isabella Turns 11

Isabella had 4 friends over to celebrate her birthday. The day started with a couple of games, lunch and then train/bus to the Ostermundigan outdoor pool. It was sunny, but not real hot so Izzi, Xavier and friends had the pool almost to themselves. We returned home for chocolate or cherry cake with ice cream followed by outside play. For those who slept over, there was then a light dinner and movie.

A loving thank you to Xavier for his gift

Friends in their silly garb after musical dress-up

Group-slide at the pool

Iz all smiles after sparkler of number 11 is done (X invading photo)

Johanni: Welcoming Summer

The Steiner School celebrates the start of summer each year with the Johanni fest. The 3rd class students dance around the "maypole" until the ribbons are woven together. Then each class performs traditional dances separately and together while the teachers play lovely music with their string instruments.

About 9pm, students and parents walk for about 45 minutes to reach the top of a small, forested mountain nearby where a bonfire is lit by the 6th class. Songs are sung, and tea and snacks are consumed. As the fire burns down, approaching midnight, the children who like can leap across the fire to welcome summer.

I was at home baking a cake for Isabella's birthday the next day, but Todd and the children wandered in around 12:45 very sleepy and smelling strongly of fire.

Maypole after the dancing

Xavier's class preparing to dance

Xavier in front of the bonfire after it has been lit