Izzi, Xavier and I rushed to catch the 12:30 train to Bern after school today. Isabella had an appointment with her orthodontist to have a mold made for the retainer she'll be receiving in a couple of weeks. The doc has estimated two years of treatment: first to correct a misaligned jaw (probably hereditary), and secondly to correct an overbite caused by her years of being a thumbsucker. She'll wear this first retainer while sleeping for one year. She will then be fitted for a second retainer that she will wear 24 hours for one year. She actually seems a bit excited about the whole thing...we'll see once she actually starts wearing it.
We then stopped at the Starbucks on Barenplatz for a cool drink. It was hot, and Xavier was quite tired (not sleeping so well this last couple of weeks), so the kids needed a bit of reviving.

As her 8th grade project, a girl in Izzi's school has been teaching the 4th and 5th classes several traditional Swiss dances. Next week the children will perform on Thursday and Friday night for the community. All the girls must wear a white t-shirt with a colorful, flowy skirt. Our next errand today was to find such a skirt for Isabella. We were successful, and also found a t-shirt with a tiger on it for Xavier. He loves tigers and has always wanted a shirt with a tiger image.
Third and final errand was to purchase some deoderant for Todd and Isabella, along with a few groceries. Yes, Isabella wears deoderant daily now. Just one of the many small signs indicating how much she has matured over this last year or so.
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