Xavier and a buddy were riding their bikes down to another friends house. This friend lives pretty much at the bottom of our mountain and Xavier had too much speed going to make the turn. He slammed into the curb and somehow crashed taking the full impact on his neck into his handlebars. Isaac, the friend he was with, rode up and asked the gasping Xavier "Are you almost dead?!?", it translates something like that anyway.
His voice was shot the first day. It wasn't until Sunday that he had anything other than liquid to drink. Monday he missed school but at least ate solids. He is still puffy and his voice gives out if he talks too much, but he is recovering. It was a freak result to the crash and luckily wasn't any worse than it turned out.
Photo Description: Regular Look, Day Of Crash Super Puffy Look, 2 Days Post Crash Bruises
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