Saturday, May 1, 2010

Water squirters, Snails and Goats

Izzi had another birthday party today, from 11:00 until 5:00 out at a classmates farm about 10 miles from here. Kim took her out by bus and Xavier and I went on a mission to find a squirt gun and run amok. We found a squirt gun had some lunch (hot dog, fries and tacos-the burger place was closed today) and came back home. The day was overcast and rainy but we had a good time and the snails were out in force today.

There are snails all over the place. The largest I have seen was probably the size a 50 cent piece. I don't know why I find them interesting, but I just like to watch them slime around. One thing I don't like is the fact that you will be walking across the lawn and CRUNCH...smushed snail. Stepping on them sounds like crushing a potato chip.

Next up was a visit to the goats:

There is a rest home right up the street from us across from the kid's school. The have 4 or five little goats in a little pen. The kids feed them grass and their teeth look just like people teeth. There are a few houses in the hood that have sheep or goats (the school has 5 or 6 sheep of their own). I like the fact that in the middle of town people have animals they raise.

It was just one of those days. The weather was cruddy, didn't really do anything exciting but I was very happy that we are all here.

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